The idea of mechanizing torture was born in Germany and “the Virgin of Nuremberg” had her origin there. She was called like this because she looked like a Bavarian girl and also bacause the prototype was built and set up in the dungeons of the secret court of that town.
The convict was put inside where very sharp points pierced through him. They were placed in such a way, that even if they penetrated many parts of the body, they never transfixed any vital organs. In this way the victim was destined to a long and atrocious agony. The first evidence of an execution with the “Virgin” goes back to the year 1515 and was reported by Gustav Freytag in his work “Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheilt” . He tells of the punishment inflicted on a forger, who satyed inside the sarcophagus for three days suffering a very atrocious pain.



Private Collection

Museum of the Royal House of Portugal